Friday, 7 December 2018

Our Body Percussion

For one of my activity's for my passport I did a body percussion with my friends. We did it to a song called Maori Boy. And the steps were,
1. Jemima starts doing our first move which is pat your lap the clap your hands,
2. Sarah goes,
3. I go,
4. When he starts sing I start to pat my lap,

5. Sarah starts to click her fingers,
6. Jemima starts to clap.
We developed more moves and Sarah and Jemima started to clap and stomp, clap and stomp, clap and stomp. And I just stomped and that added a nice touch to it.

After some practise we went move after move and finally we were done! So we asked to preform it and we did. It went well and we really enjoyed it. 

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Graduation Mass

Yesterday we had our last Mass of the year. It was the Year 6 Graduation Mass and it was upsetting to see all the Year 6's go. 

We sang a lot of songs and readings were read then all the Year 6's went up with a long dark blue candle each and some of the Year 6's had two candle's each. Mrs Hahn told the year 5's to come up and get our leadership candle! because next year the Year 5's will be Year 6's!

After we got our candles handed to us we turned around to see all our proud parents smiling and clapping for us. It made me happy the others around me feel like a leader. We went back to our seats and sung one more song. Mass was finished after that and I went to my family and showed them my candle.  

Friday, 30 November 2018

Potato Spud Gun Experiment

For Science today we made potato spud guns. And its not the first time we have done this experiment, we have attempted to do this experiment before. And we do it is by getting a straw and stab it in your potato, then you take and you will see it has so potato in the straw. Then repeat the step on the other side of the straw, then grab something like a tooth pick and then push the potato towards the other side where the other potato is, but make sure that you're not poking a hole though the potato. Then if their is hole in the straw, the experiment will not work because of how this experiment works. How it works is after you do that potato part their is air in the space of the potatoes so when you push the potato towards the potato 2, it will push the air to potato 2 and the air has no where to go so it pushes potato 2. And then potato 2 popes out! And we recorded how far it shot and who got the best shot.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Persuasive Writing

Today I just finished my persuasive writing piece on Why Animal Abuse MUST be stopped.

“Stupid dog!!” they say. “Why were you born!?!’’ they shout. This happens to THOUSANDS of dogs and cats each year due to how much hate is spread around the world.

There are dog breeders around the world who treat all dogs fairly, and some shove the poor dogs into tiny cages in a basement filled with spiders, rats and mice. These people kill the dogs after what the abusers call “USELESS’’ after having enough pups. The puppies are left there to watch their mother die. In pain

Like this poor puppy.

Cats, who would think cats would get abused, dogs are the only ones. Well no, cats are abused as much as dogs in fact. There have been lots of cases were dogs were abused, but same with cats. There have been moments when they were violently hit by people and one time even duct taped! -Around the poor thing body. And someone unbelievably stuck a screwdriver in a cat’s HEAD!!I’ve seen it on a video. People are careless,horrible and selfish, if you are that kind of a person I have 1 question for you

How does this make you happy?
I don’t understand why people could be so cold-hearted to harmless kittens.Yes kittens. People abuse kittens to just like they do to all baby animals, you can find sad videos online of people saving/hurting these poor kitties.

Everyday the are about 1,000s of dogs and cats dropped out of their homes to be kicked, hit, slapped and chained up on the streets. Some people just don’t think about how it would feel to be chained up on a pole ,when they could be in a calm home with no dogs barking at their face all day. No one knows how horrible it feels to scavenge for food everyday.

Not only do pets get abused but caged tigers, wolves, polar bears and so on are abused a lot to. Channels on youtube like Watch JoJo Animals, Vet Ranch and so on help stop make animals suffer.

And I think that these people do a big part to the community by helping people to understand what really happens in zoos and at home.It also helps to persuade people to do a part in this fight against abusers! So if you think a tiny STOP to an abuser can’t help then, what can?

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Our Comics

Yesterday and the day before we were working on a nice short comic mine is about teen called Brittney the British short hair. (A British short hair is a type of cat). And she expects to have no friend but turns out another girl thought the same, and they were                                                        both wrong they are friends now 😊

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Our Pedes

Today we did something in maths called pedes and it is when you have for example a square then every time you put on two squares the first square would be called a 1 pede, the next one would be called a 2 pede and then its goes on and on, and me and Jemima made one called the Cat-Dog Pede! 🐱🐶

Each pattern has a rule and when you solve it you know how to make it bigger!

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Bike Safety

Today we did a bike safety course. And I didn't know how to ride a bike, that's right didn't know how to, I learned all in one little hour and a half. A simple little tip for beginners is to have the right pedal in the middle then tilt it to the left side a bit, and you have your left leg on the ground, then with your right foot on the pedal, you push then you start going. And you could also make it feel like you running, just on a bike that's all!

I felt so good about learning to ride a bike!

Thursday, 18 October 2018

My Passport

Next week I'm going to start my Passport. This picture is my passport. We do this to get points and at the end the points add up and we have to try and get 200 points. But how do we get points? We get them by doing activities. In each column there are different activities with different point scores. If you come back with a rushed project, you get points taken away. If you come back with a beautiful well worked on project then you might get bounds points. 

The highlighted squares are the ones I'm aiming to do and I can't wait to get started! 

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Kia Kaha

Today we made classroom shields for the Kia Kaha program. Its all about me and my class. This one is mine and its all about why I am unique and how my class is special.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Calendar Art

Today I finished my calendar art. We coloured in a sheet of mindfulness art which is meant for colouring in. This one is mine that I coloured in, and I also cut out '2019' ready for next year's calendar!

I feel very proud of my design because I took so much care and put in lots of effort.

My Diorama

Today I finished my diorama about a habitat. I choose my habitat to be the forest because it is a calm and simple place to talk and draw about. At first you can see a wolf looking at a snake which the snake is eyeing the bunny and the bunny is eating the grass. It shows the circle of life. I also hung up a little bird flying around. There is also a tree and  and some mini trees and a bush the snake is camouflaging on. There is a hidden squirrel to, along with a fish, snake and butterfly. I also put on some leaf decorations on the top of my forest.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Our Fan Letters

Today we did fan mail. Jemima got me and I got Frankie. She did this one shown in the picture. She write lovely things that she thinks makes me awesome. My letter was about what makes Frankie a very important part of our class. These letters made me and my class very happy😊

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Good Shepherd Crosses

At the beginning of the term we began our crosses. But not any boring random cross, a unique cross to represent Good Shepherd. My cross represents how GSS takes in any culture. My one shows 2 different skin tones holding hands, and that represents our school with various cultures. At the bottom of my cross it shows a bunny, it shows my love for animals. On the sides it show the word CARE, Honesty and Love.  All the things that make GSS, GSS.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Mandarin (Chinese)

Every week me and my class do some Mandarin. Mandarin is Chinese but saying it in some other way. We learn some more every week so if we run into a Chinese person or need to be greeting someone in China, we will know what to say and how to respond. I know how to greet and how to say bye and stop a conversation.

Ni hao:  Hello
Zia jian:  Bye
Xie Xie: Thank you!
Wo j'aw Seihara: My name is Seihara

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Tongan Language Week

  This week is Tongan  Language Week. We  learnt about things they do in the Tongan culture. With my group I learnt about Ngatu. Ngatu is something that Tongans use to make clothing. It is made of bark called tutu, tutu comes from a tree called mulberry. But the mulberry tree cannot grow in New Zealand because of our temperature. So they transport it from Tonga. Then they make NGATU! 

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Mini BB Fair! (Mini Books and baking fair)

Today was the Mini BB Fair! BB stands for Baking and Books. At the beginning, they set up books that people who don't want or need anymore give to the Good Shepherd PTA, and they will sort it out.

Our delicious baked goods, there were really good deals and 2 for 50 cents cookies and more yummy treats!

The books were in all shapes and sizes, i chose a good book called
The Girl who rode the Wind. It's a really good book.

Monday, 27 August 2018

Reptile Writing

Here is a slide I made for writing. My whole class did their own as part of our information report topic. We had to choose a reptile, and I chose a Berber skink. I chose this animal because I thought they were cute and unknown. I learned a lot from researching this skink.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

My Turtle and Shark Slide

Me and Bella made a slide about a Samoan myth called "The Turtle and The Shark" in reading. We did this myth because we thought it was a very interesting and this Samoan myth seemed very special.

The story starts with a young girl called Salofa. She has a blind mother called Fonuea. One day Salofa and Fonuea were waiting for their relatives bring their food.  Salofa panicked and her mother told her to lead her to the cliff. To find out  what happens next, read our slideshow!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Maths Vocabulary Posters

We did a Maths Vocabulary Poster so we could help Room 8 with understanding word problems. So we made posters and showed them to Room 8 and they answered the questions on are poster.We did subtraction for our poster.

Friday, 3 August 2018

Hauora Hands

For R.E me and my class did Hauora Hands. On the hands you can see it says Hauora, who can help? Then on the fingers, it says our every-day helpers, for example doctors, mums and dads, firefighters and lots more.

My hand is the hand with the purple strokes and bended pinky, middle-finger and thumb.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Animal Classification

Today in topic we learned about animal groups. There are 2 types of animals, Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Vertebrates have a spine, so for example birds are Vertebrates because they have a spine. Invertebrates have no spine, so a jellyfish is a Invertebrate.

There are 5 types of Vertebrates:


Reptiles are cold-blooded, which means they have to keep in the sun in order to stay alive. And they lay eggs.


Mammals are warm-blooded, so they tend to have a lot of fur and don't lay eggs.


 Bird are warm-blooded like mammals, but they do lay eggs just like reptiles do.


Fish have scales like snakes do. Fish breathe air just like all animals do, but they take the oxygen from the water into their gills.


Amphibians have one feature like a fish, they take air from the water into their skin.

Monday, 30 July 2018

My Tiger Slide

I did this slide to inform people about tiger cubs, the tiger diet, what they do, and lots of that sort of stuff. I did this for fun because I love learning about animals.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

My limerick poem

This is my limerick poem, enjoy!

There once was a dog,
              he had a fantastic blog
he got lots hits
he loved it to bits!

What a clever good looking dog

My Personification Poem(s)

Here are some of my personification poems.

An old computer is like an old man walking to a mail box,
 takes forever.🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛

🥀A blooming flower is like a new born baby,
soft, gentle and delicate.  

My Rainy Season Scent Poem

Here is my scent poem about the rainy season in Samoa.

I can smell the scent of the rainy season.
You feel like you are being cooked in an umu (oven).
I can taste the rain.
Mosquitoes biting every one they see in their
Who would want to go to Samoa in the rainy season?

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Wig Wednesday

Today it was wig Wednesday.And I had a really funny wig as you can see in the photo! I came to school and saw heaps of people in funny wigs. I felt weird but I still enjoyed AMAZING wiggy  day!

My Healthy Shared Lunch

Today we had a shared lunch, but, with a twist, it was a healthy shared lunch! So as you can see in the picture there is carbohydrate food,  plain fruit and  vegetables. Carbohydrates are things like bread, pasta and sometimes crackers. And fruits like apples, melons, oranges and much more delicious fruit. Vegetables like  carrots, tomatoes and celery. It was a fun day of eating delicious healthy food and trying new foods with my friends and my class.

Friday, 29 June 2018

My Ode

In Room Five we did some odes. Odes are poems about a thing you love/like, and I did my cat and here is my ode.

To my cat

You are the most kindest of all cats,
Oh, how I enjoy the soft silk of your beautiful fur .
When I pat your silky back I feel like the queen of the fur kingdom.
 When I see you I feel you are holding my hand wherever I go.

Oh, how I love you kitty!

Monday, 25 June 2018

My Key Slide

Here is one of my explanation slide about how keys work. We wrote this because we were learning about explanation writing. I chose keys because they're so common but people don't know much about how they work.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Book Week!

This week it was Book Week! And on Friday we all dressed up as our favorite book character. Some people in funny costumes, some in sensible ones, but ether way they were awesome! And I dressed up as a leopard from a book called "Stripes, NO Spots!"

It's about two friends, a tiger and a leopard, and they're talking and then they get in a fight about which is better, stripes or spots, and its definitely... SPOTS! 

Another thing about Book Week is you get a wish list and you get to write down books that the school has bought from Scholastic. Then in the morning before school and after you get to buy the books you want for a cheap price!         

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

My Lion Slide

I like animals, so I did a slide about lions. I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, 18 June 2018

R.E Poster

This is my poster that I did for Religious Education with Po'oi, Kiara and Joey. It was about forgiveness. We wrote some forgiveness quotes that can make people feel better after they sinned.

The lesson was about how we can be like Jesus by forgiving others when they make mistakes.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Healthy Eating

Related image

This is a food pyramid. It shows how what to eat and not to eat so often.

  1. The top means what not to eat often, like... cupcakes, lollipops and (my personal favorite) chocolate.
  2. Eggs, fish  and chicken are things that give you protein and iron but make sure you don't have them all the time.
  3. Fruit  and vegetables like cherries, oranges and broccoli are things that you have to have. They are full of nutrients and vitamins.
  4. Carbohydrates are an important part of your diet, and give you energy.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Cross Country

This was the day we did cross  country. In the morning I woke up thinking  "This is the day, Cross Country."So I came to school like normal. Me and my class were doing writing and we saw the little kids doing their Cross Country round and then we did ours after morning tea. I have to say it was quite hard but it was at least a good workout.

Here is a photo of me running the last stretch before the finish line.

Monday, 28 May 2018


For Reading, we did research on different countries. I chose India. I really enjoyed learning about India because it is a big country with lots of interesting animals and celebrations.

Have you ever thought what India's main sports are? Well look no further. One of India's main sports is cricket, a sport that heaps of people play a lot in my school. Kaboddi and football are really well known sports in India.

Three main cities in India are Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and how about you visit India yourself and you might see the places and things I am talking about.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

What Is Onomatopoeia?

In my class we did Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is a thing that you use when you say ''The dishes crashed to the floor." The thing that I have underlined was the onomatopoeia which is the sound of something like boom or crash which is all so known as sound affects.  We learnt this because it is important to know how , when , and why people might use them. 

Monday, 19 March 2018

My Mantra

In room 5 we did mantras. Mantras are positive quotes that inspire you. My
mantra was...

Be a Rainbow🌈
in someone's

That means when someone is sad or alone or he/she might've hurt themselves,and you  make them feel better.

Monday, 12 March 2018

What Is A Narrative?

A narrative is a made up story that is in fact used in most books. Narratives are something that is not true. Narratives are something  that people enjoy doing for fun when you may feel down or something like that.I have written one myself so if you wish to read it,it is on my blog. Maybe you could go and make a narrative yourself.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Kitten Catastrophe free writing story

By Seihara Andrews


Hi!My name is Puffy I’m still in my home the pet shop because I'm a puppy. I’ve always wanted to see the outer world. But all the being in a pet shop thing changes today! It’s adoption day! Were we all get adopted,and what I mean by us is the fish,the bird’s,the kittens and us puppies! The first family!A bird? I’ll just wait till the next one,a fish,the next one,a kitten,next one ,gasp! He’s going for a puppy!Oh,he went for Jack. ”See ya!”.

Ding! Dong! I’m not going to bother getting worked up, I’m never going to get picked. ” ‘Cute!”.said a little girl.”What? “I said. “ That one please.”She said. So the nice man picked me up and of I went to my new home. She’s gave me a yummy treat?Cool! My very own fancy pee or poo corner! And an beautiful play corner! How are the toy’s so clean ,shiny and has no bite marks on them!Well if this place is that good,then I can get used to that.


"Come on boy,come on!" said Kate. I just want to sleep."PUFFY!!!"Kate said screaming."Bark!"I said in such fright."I'm going out.Wanna come?'' I just mumbled.So of she went and I got up and did my usual morning routine: Get up,go for a wee,eat and then play!



I think she's home with my treat!!!

"I got something for you Puffy little boy!"Kate said working me up.She's opening it.And now it's time to run away!Because what I see here is a KITTEN!!!

Well,how bad could it be?



OK,what to brake first and blame on the puppy.I know! of all of them I'm just gonna go for a classic,the vase.Crash!There,now just get the dog and annoy him and bring him here and that's it,wait,I know, because it's fun,I'll brake the old picture of Kate and discussing Puffy.Smash! Now the dog.Oh,he's already there,OK."MEOW!!!"
Here she come's!
"whats wrong kitty?" "GASP!''

Good,now he's done! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! "Know what?If you so angry about this place,I'm going to ... put you in the garage.Wait what!?!
OK,ok .She's probably just joking. "By the way I am not joking." She said

And let me tell you,she was not joking.I guess i could live with no more  trouble,no more hatred to the dog dog..."NONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''Is what animals hear,but humans hear-"MEOWMEOWMEOWMEOWMEOWMEOWMEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So the weeks past no fun to have no one to prank and blame the thing on it...THAT'S IT!!!!!
Mua haha HAHAHA HA HA!!!!! But the humans hear...meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, when Kate wakes up she will find her whole room is covered in my friends poop! HAHAHA!!!! Oh,then she will have to throw me in! I will update when I'm ready.
OK,ready for update? OK, so it was lets just say it didn't really go as,well...
So next one , brake the .... VASE!!!!
OK, I'm in the garage with dog! Ok, nothing in here is not broken .... oh,


Monday, 19 February 2018

Me myself and I

Hi my name is Seihara. My favourite food is pizza. I love animals. I have a pet cat and a pet lizard, well it is actually a pet skink, you're probably wondering what a skink is. A skink is a little lizard that runs into hole's and eats flies, butterflies, bees and spiders they are fascinating little lizard's that live under your home. My cats name is snowball, she is named snowball because she is white. And my skinks name is ducky. His name is ducky because I found him on my duck toy. He comes over every day and he has a box to live in. I'll tell you how I got my cat. It all started when I was 4 years old, I found her in the garden and then she was constantly coming over to my house and then a really cute thing happened,my cat had...BABIES!!!

It was adorable! It was like a kitten storm! But sadly, we had to sell them. I used to have another cat named Percy. I got him when my best friend Maria, was moving to a different country, I got to keep Percy. For a while I had him but my friends mum didn't feel at home so she came back to NZ!
That is all about me!