Wednesday 1 August 2018

Animal Classification

Today in topic we learned about animal groups. There are 2 types of animals, Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Vertebrates have a spine, so for example birds are Vertebrates because they have a spine. Invertebrates have no spine, so a jellyfish is a Invertebrate.

There are 5 types of Vertebrates:


Reptiles are cold-blooded, which means they have to keep in the sun in order to stay alive. And they lay eggs.


Mammals are warm-blooded, so they tend to have a lot of fur and don't lay eggs.


 Bird are warm-blooded like mammals, but they do lay eggs just like reptiles do.


Fish have scales like snakes do. Fish breathe air just like all animals do, but they take the oxygen from the water into their gills.


Amphibians have one feature like a fish, they take air from the water into their skin.

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