Friday 8 March 2019

Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday. The festivities started with the burning of the ashes on the turf. This was a new and exciting experience that not many of us had seen before.
As we saw the flames flare out of the dish we all were on the edge of our seats. We sung some songs and said some prayers before returning to our classes.
Later on during Religious Education we learnt about how before Lent, people used to get rid of all their luxury items such as flour, sugar, butter, eggs and milk by making pancakes. Some classes were even able to enjoy some pancakes of their own.
We all thought that this was a great start to the season of Lent. We got lots of time to think about what deed or challenge we would take on throughout Lent. So after a great day we were all prepared for the season to come!
Jemima Lipscombe

Today was Ash Wednesday. We went to church and sang some hymns, got the ashes on our foreheads, sung happy birthday to a little girl starting school on her birthday! We then went up and got a blessing.
We did make an attempt to keep our ashes on our foreheads, but that was a fail due to swimming and itching it off. We had a good day and hope everyone else did to.
Seihara  Andrews

On Wednesday the school attended Ash Wednesday mass. When room 6 entered the church it was almost dead silent (which is unusual for the school because we are usually so loud).  Everything in mass was covered in purple to represent that Lent has started.The first hymn the school sang together was Ashes. Father asked the volunteers to spread ashes in the shape of the cross on everybody's foreheads. It was a wonderful mass thank you Father for leading it.
Henry Russell

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