Friday, 1 November 2019

My Senses Poem

Raro Beach

I see the clean water looking blue,
I taste the water when it  in my mouth,
I hear the sea’s moan as it crashes on the shore,
I feel the fish go by grazing my skin,
I smell the sunscreen on my skin wash off

St Peters Concert

St Peters came to Good Shepherd and did a fantastic concert just for us! I noticed a lot of people who used to be here in our school. My personal favourite part was the we will rock you part.

My Halloween Poem


I walk around the eerie path,
As i see the decorations of a bloodbath.
I  smell the  delightful aroma  of sweets,
And Very soon kids fill the streets.
House to house is how it goes,
Decorations i feel from head to toes.
I go to everybodies door,
See the lollies with Halloween decor.
I hear the kid screaming their head off,
Until one of them makes a horrible cough
I eat all my sweets not missing a crum,
Halloween was too much fun!